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June 29th COVID-19 Update

Chamber Endorses UWF’s Fall 2020 Return to UWF Plan

The Greater Pensacola Chamber of Commerce endorses the University of West Florida’s Fall 2020 Returning to UWF plan, which details its commitment to the safety, security, and well-being of the community. Together, the Chamber and UWF are strengthening our collective efforts for a healthier and safer community. We stand united in our fight against the COVID-19 pandemic.


Take the UWF Healthier and Safer Business Survey for Reopening Campus

In partnership with the University of West Florida to establish a healthier and safer community, the Greater Pensacola Chamber of Commerce kindly requests you answer the question below. UWF will use the information to promote your business to students and employees as a healthier and safer business for consumers.

Click here to take this brief survey.


Face Coverings Required Inside Businesses Within Pensacola City Limits

This order is in response to a rapid increase of COVID-19 cases in the Pensacola area and in accordance with the recent Public Health Advisory issued by the State Surgeon General, along with the recommendation from the CDC that cloth face coverings be worn in public settings where social distancing is difficult to maintain.

This requirement comes from Declaration of State of Emergency 20-03 issued today by Mayor Grover C. Robinson, IV.

This order applies ONLY to businesses within City of Pensacola limits. Exceptions apply. Read more: